In the protection of clean sport, sharing concerns about doping is essential. Taking part in clean sport requires those involved in sport to speak up when they suspect doping. So, what should you do if you suspect doping?
You have some choices to make if:
When you are in a situation involving the above-mentioned scenarios:
Reporting doping can be a difficult decision!
It is important to think carefully, reflect and assess the situation. Ask yourself what the impact of reporting (or not) can have on you, on other athletes, on ASP, on your sport, and even on your country and national pride.
There are options available for you to speak up about your doping concerns in a secure and confidential way.
WADA’s Whistleblower program, called “Speak Up!” is available for anyone to use. You can report an alleged Anti-Doping Rule Violation (ADRV) or an act that goes against clean sport.
Speak Up! is a platform for athletes and others to report suspected doping – any of the ADRVs or any act or omission that could go against clean sport.